photo stylisée d'une croix de type Crozant

The mysterious Crozant-type crosses

The mysterious Crozant-type crosses

Croix de Crozant stylisée

These 51 crosses found in the villages around Crozant are an enigma for historians.

They are difficult to date.

Their purpose is not obvious.

They all follow the same model, which seem to be of Byzantine inspiration, at the beginning of Christianisation.

They are « Greek crosses » with four equal parts (the lower part was buried). The upper and lower parts are "pattée" whilst the horizontal branches are straight.

This form is found in some crosses in other areas of France (Vexin, Haut-Maine, Brittany) and also in England and Bulgaria.

At the top of the crosses there is often a « cupule », a small depression carved in the stone. What was its role? This is still a mystery...


There are 51 of these mysterious Crozant type crosses for you to discover and to understand !

ASCTC, the Association for the Safeguarding of the Crozant Type Crosses, does everything possible to understand and preserve this heritage of the Creuse.

Discover the actions of the members of the association in the safeguarding of the Crozant crosses,

Discover in detail each of the Crozant crosses,

Partez à la découverte des croix de type Crozant à l’occasion de balades et randonnées préparées pour vous,

To understand the history and the origin of the Crozant crosses, follow the progress of the research and the preparation of the conference.

Les croix de Crozant – Un exceptionnel et énigmatique ensemble

La publications des Actes du Colloque sont disponibles Une cinquantaine de croix de granite sont fichées le long de la rive gauche de la Creuse. On les dit « mystérieuses » et « énigmatiques ». Depuis combien de temps sont-elles là ? Et POURQUOI ? Elles intriguent par leur forme et aussi par la cupule creusée au-dessus de leur tête taillée en V. Plusieurs institutions et associations ont proposé une coopération à l’Université de Limoges pour organiser un colloque à leur sujet. Des historiens...

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